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Piano Piano is a process, a walk in which through architecture  

we find, as Alison and Peter Smithson used to say,

the basic needs elevated to a poetic level:

the simple life well done.


Piano Piano is Maria Donnini and Maria Grifo, architects from the ETSA of València. From our time in Italy and Portugal we have learned to appreciate the taste for detail, the delicacy and the beauty of the simple things, that find elegance in the millimeter and in the appropriate combination of texture and color. We also learned to work on what has already been built and we discovered the respect that this kind of architecture professes, whether cultured or coming from non-architects. But at the same time, we learned to value architecture as a profession, in a practical sense, but also in a theoretical sense, which we think it’s very important nowadays.

All of them are issues that we apply in our projects and daily work.

We understand the process of making architecture as a universe made up of a multitude of arbitrary and fascinating things that have no value if they persist alone, but they can give an adequate response if combined in a common narrative discourse.


Works, projects and competitions 

2023. Local police headquarters. Castello

2023.Casa patio casa patio. Housing refurbishment

2023.Casa 3 en 1. Housing refurbishment. Velluters. València

2023.El camino de la almazara. Recovery of an oil mill-laundry and its natural surroundings. First prize competition. La Artejuela, Arañuel. Together with Carpe and MHA Arquitectura

2023. La serpiente del Botànic. Reforma de vivienda. El Botànic. València

2023.In progress. Construction of single-family house. Alfafar 

2023.In progress. Construction of single-family house. El Cabanyal, València 

2023.In progress. Housing refurbishment. L’Eixample. València

2023.In progress. Construction of single-family house. Foios

2023.In progress. Construction of single-family house.Fortaleny

2022.Les pinyes del Cabanyal. Rehabilitation of a two-family building. El Cabanyal. València

2022.Traces i Petjades. Competition Espai Dones i Igualtat. Together with Carpe,  MHA Arquitectura and Manu Monteagudo. El Carme. València.

2022.Casa en espina de pez. Housing refurbishment. L’Eixample. València 

2021.La volteta del Carmen. Housing refurbishment. El Carme. València

2021.La casa del cantó. Construction of single-family house. Foios

2021.Casa de recortes y fragmentos. Housing refurbishment. València

2021.El octógono de Pelayo. Housing refurbishment. La Roqueta. València

2021.Altillo en Sueca. Housing refurbishment. Russafa. València

2021.De la Plaça al Palau. Housing refurbishment. Betxí

2021.La casa festejadora. Housing refurbishment. Betxí

2021.Casa de doce pilares. Construction of single-family house. Foios

2021.refurbishment and extension of the Foios Town Hall. Competition. Together with Carpe

2021.Preliminary architectural design for the construction of a day care center. Castelló. Together with Carpe

2020.Ciudad Contexto. Digital project. Together with Carpe and Silvia Puerto. ciudadcontexto.com

2019.Aneta Sound. Sound studio. Orriols. València

2019.La excusa de tomar el té. Housing refurbishment. Russafa. València

2019.Escriptori Urbà. Competition. Remodeling of Plaça Major de Borriana, Castelló. Together with Carpe

2018.Espacio de bienestar. Self-Care Center. Russafa. València

2018.Vila Barberà. Housing refurbishment. Arrancapins. València

2018.BIB Villaverde. Competition. Proposal for a new library. Madrid. Together with Carpe and Crux Arquitectos 

2018.El agua fluye de este a oeste. Competition Proposal for the remodeling of the Plaça dels Xorros. La Font d’en Carròs

2018.New health care complex “Ernest Lluch” (Old La Fe Hospital). Competition.

València. Together with Sogo Arquitectos, José Olagüe, Gerardo Solera y Luis Gimeno 


Awards, lectures and exhibitions

2023.El octógono de Pelayo COACV 2023 Awards in the category ‘Interventions in existing buildings’.

2023.First Prize CRU Competition of the Diputació de Castelló Recovery of an oil mill-laundry and its natural surroundings. La Artejuela, Arañuel together with Carpe and MHA Arquitectura

2023.Casa de recortes y fragmentos. Selected work in the exhibition Arquitectura reciente en València 2020-21-22 del CTAV

2022.La casa del cantó. Selected work Premio Arquitectura Teja 2019-2021 de Hispalyt

2022.Piano Piano Selected work in the exhibition Ecosistemas.zip. Madrid

2020.La excusa de tomar el té. Selected work in the exhibition VII Edición 2018-2019 bienal Arquia Próxima ‘Punto de inflexión. Posiciones radicales para un mundo en cambio’ 

2020.Lecture at Taller 3 ETSAV ‘Un universo infinito de elementos fascinantes’

2020.La excusa de tomar el té. Selected work in the exhibition Arquitectura reciente en València 2017-18-19 del CTAV. 

2020.Microtalk at CTAV Arquitectura reciente en València 2017-18-19 exhibition



Piano Piano at Coopera Magazine, Las Provincias 

La casa del cantó at Conarquitectura Nº82. Vivienda AC, Culturplaza, Designboom, Divisare, Archisearch, Plataforma Arquitectura, Elle Decor Italia

Archdaily, Metalocus, Living Corriere, El País Semanal, Arquitectura Viva, Veredes, Archello, Dwell, Magaceen, OnDiseño nº407. Cerámica en la arquitectura 

El octógono de Pelayo at Archello, Archdaily, Divisare, Flat Magazine

De la Plaça al Palau at Divisare 

Les Pinyes del Canbanyal at Divisare 

La volteta del Carmen at Micasa, Divisare 

Casa de doce pilares at Divisare, Veredes, Archello

Altillo en Sueca at Divisare

Casa de recortes y fragmentos at Flat Magazine, Divisare

Vila Barberà at Divisare

La casa festejadora at Divisare 

La excusa de tomar el té at Singulares Magazine, Arqa, Veredes 

Piano Piano at Culturplaza: ‘Playlist de arquitectura: las canciones a las que suenan estos edificios de València’, ‘La recepta Piano Piano. Contar històries per a mimar l’arquitectura’, ‘Cuando tu edificio es un ‘Perseverance’: en qué otro lugar lo harías aterrizar’, ‘València muy dark: los riesgos de la ciudad mediterránea ante los comercios fantasma’, ‘Vint projectes per a dissenyar un futur que canvia constantment’, ‘Qué otra plaza debería solapar a la Plaça de l’Ajuntament’

Piano Piano at HNA Conecta 

Piano Piano at Arquitectura Viva nº244. Ecosistemas.zip: Spain’s Nex Generation Under 35 

Piano Piano at València D’

Piano Piano at Neo2 nº174. Bestiarios Domésticos



Photography by Milena Villalba